29 December 2012

Thesis chapter 3.2: Qualitative research

Most of the reasoning and analysis in this project is qualitative, based on industrial observations and experiences rather than elaborate theories. During the course of the project I, together with colleagues, studied 8 cases* of industrial software and architecture development, seen in the table below. The data gathered in these case studies are almost exclusively qualitative empirical data from industry and thus my scientific conclusions are also of a qualitative nature.

Qualitative research can be performed in many traditions, Walsham mentions three types of epistomologies: Positivism, Interpretative (or Non-positivism) and Normativism. This thesis uses the interpretative approach when collecting and analysing data for three reasons: First, I prioritised insight into the cases over reliability for other researchers to reproduce the studies. Second, I judged it impossible to disregard any pre-conceptions I had based on more than ten years of of professional experience of designing and developing software-intensive embedded systems. Third, most of the descriptions of the case studies are based on interview data which already are the interviewees' interpretation of the actual events/facts/situations/...

Case Company Description Data sources Author role Chapter(s)
I VCC Forces shaping the distributed in-vehicle EE architecture in P2 platform Interviews with 20 developers + design documents Insider observer 5, 7, 10
II VCC Comparative case study on architecting process on existing platforms Interviews with 6 architects + design documents + personal notes Insider observer 6, 7, 10
III Scania Comparative case study on architecting process on existing platforms Interviews with 5 architects + design documents + personal notes Observer 6
IV VCC Case study on architecture decisions for new platform Observed decisions during 3 months Participant / insider observer
V VCC Post mortem analysis of Sensus infotainment development Interviews with 6 key developers + design documents Insider observer 7, 10
VI VCC Proof-of-concept development of android-based infotainment system All project & design documents of both product owner and Scrum team + personal notes Participant / insider observer 9, 10, 11
VII VCC Agile development of climate control software Official meeting notes and presentations + personal notes Insider observer 7, 10
VIII VCC Agile development of next generation infotainment system Official meeting notes and presentations + personal notes Insider observer 10

The selection of interviewees were in cases I, II, III and V done as purposive samples in order to cover a comprehensive variety of roles and teams at the studied organisations.

* A case study being ``an empirical study that investigates a contemporary phenomena in depth and within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between the phenomenon and the context are not clearly evident''

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